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Marketing & Audience Engagement

"We are the voice of the school," as my advisor would say. The Chronicle is intimately connected with the Grandview community. As Editor-In-Chief this year I spent a lot of time analyzing our website analytics to determine what types of stories performed the most, which we then used to plan future stories that were expected to perform well. Additionally, I also planned with my Social Media and Marketing teams to reach out to the school community.

Website Analytics

Our SNO Analytics allows me to view our daily and monthly story views. I often study these, and we have been able to identify how a majority of our most popular stories explore unique events or people within the school community, or ones that connect with current issues or events.

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We average around 1000 views on The Chronicle per day. This year, our most viewed story so far has been my editorial on the passing of my beloved English teacher, Ms. Richards. That story amassed over 1800 views in one day. Additionally, it also showed just how far of a reach The Chronicle can have on the local community because we received messages from former students of hers and even teachers at other high schools in the state that had interacted or taught with her. 

Social Media Engagement

We also receive consistent audience engagement on all of our social media platforms. Instagram is popular with our account reaching an average of 1.9k accounts over a 30-day period. 


All of our individual posts also are widely received, as we usually interact with well over 1100 accounts, with usually a third of those being new or non-follower accounts. Our posts also often receive several hundred likes and are shared or saved many times. To the side are the post analytics of two of my posts covering our school musical, Curtains, and a recent Boys Basketball game. 

Our Twitter also increases our audience engagement immensely. One example of this is a Tweet I put out after the release of an editorial covering Ms. Richard's passing.  We were able to reach over 6,000 people with this post.

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Marketing also plays a large part in increasing The Chronicle's relevance in The Grandview Community. This year, we have increased our marketing within the school by hosting several events like our Trick or Treat Street Event, selling Roses at lunches during the week leading up to Valentine's Day, and participating in 8th Grade Night. We are also working on plans right now to schedule staff members to go into English classes to recruit new members for next year. 

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