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Broadcast Journalism

Broadcast Journalism is definitely the sector of journalism in that I have the least experience. Besides a brief semester-long Broadcasting class my freshman year, this year was the first time that I attempted to jump back into Broadcast and video editing. For this section, I reached out to our sister publication, Grandview TV , and collaborated with them on a production.

Weekly Annoucements

I co-anchored weekly announcements for the week of March 6th, were we covered both upcoming and past school events, included features and sports stories, as well as continued an ongoing series of featuring deans and other administrations around Grandview. I also collaborated with several people on GVTV's staff to tweak and edit the script.

Beyond anchoring, I also fully edited the weekly announcements. For this, I used Wondershare Filmora, a program I have past experience with. Throughout the editing process, I ordered all of the video segments in the correct order, cut out back takes, added fading transitions in between segments, and also embedded various different story clips and event posters into the video where audio continued to play underneath. Additionally, I also adjusted audio decibel levels across all the different segments to try to equalize the volume differences.

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